The WagCast Weekly: Be Careful on the Stairs at Kid Rock's Nightclub

The WagCast Weekly: Be Careful on the Stairs at Kid Rock's Nightclub

JD and JP talk The Gilded Age, the Weather Underground, and Other Things That Should Furrow Your Brow This Week
Sebastian Stan and Lily James hit the beach as Pam and Tommy (photo courtesy of Hulu).

This week we tackle HBO’s Gilded Age as a perfect metaphor for Hollywood rejection, Wag Supremo Jed Perl’s book defending irrelevance of art, new music that will make you love Merle Haggard, the best L.A. Noir ever made, and why Hulu’s Pam and Tommy Lee is not a good manual for operating heavy machinery. All that, and notorious German con artists, done lickety-split, so you can go about your important business. You’ll feel ever so much smarter.

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